File Uploads Bronze Plan

Give users the option to upload any type of file on their form submission. Save securely and even attach uploaded files on our outgoing emails.

Adding a file upload field

To add a file upload option to your form:

  • Add enctype="multipart/form-data" to your form tag.
  • Create an input with type="file"

File upload validation

You can validate file uploads using our form validation rules. See the form validation introductions to learn how to use the rules. Then you can apply one of the following commonly used validation rules for file uploads:

File upload and emails

In a notification email you can display the uploaded file in two different ways:

Link to file

A link to the file will be displayed in the notification email. When clicked you will be able to see the file in a web browser.

Attached file

You can attach the uploaded file to the notification email. To attach the files to the notification email follow these steps:

  • From your dashboard select a website > form name > email settings
  • Select the option "Attach File Uploads"

Email attachment size limit

Files attached to emails are limited to 8MB. You can include a link in the email message to view an uploaded file.

Storage limits

The maximum file size per upload is 1GB.

Plan Storage Limit
Free Not available
Silver 5GB
Gold 20GB

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