Custom Events Bronze Plan

Customize your form's behavior further by listening for our custom events!

Listening for our events

Listening for our custom events is the same as listening for any other Javascript event. Give your form a unique id. Next you would need to add an addEventListener() method. Below is a basic example of listening for a kwSubmitted event that fires when a form is submitted successfully:

var form = document.getElementById('myForm');
form.addEventListener('kwSubmitted', function () { // add your own custom logic :) });

Available custom events

Event Description
kwOnSubmit Fires when the submit button from your form is clicked.
kwHasErrors Fires when a validation error occurs on your form.
kwSubmitted Fires when a form is successfully submitted.
kwMultistepPrevClicked Fires when the “previous” button is clicked on a multistep form.
kwMultistepPrevSuccess Fires when the previous step is reached in a multistep form.
kwMultistepNextClicked Fires when the “next” button is clicked on a multistep form.
kwMultistepNextSuccess Fires when the next step is reached in a multistep form.
kwRepeaterAddClicked Fires when the “add” button is clicked on repeater field groups.
kwRepeaterAddSuccess Fires when a group of fields is successfully added on repeater field groups.
kwRepeaterRemoveClicked Fires when the “remove” button is clicked on repeater field groups.
kwRepeaterRemoveSuccess Fires when a group of fields is successfully removed on repeater field groups.

Any suggestions?

If you have any suggestions for new custom events. Send us a message!.

Notice anything wrong in our docs? Let us know.